Lectures and presentations about the Restrim Research
Jukka Oksa & Esko Lehto
Role of Local Actors in Development ( RESTRIM Study).
Lecture at the Joensuu University (ppt file) February 2007
"Local Development and Social Capital:The Case of Sotkamo."
The 43rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association,
Session on Social Capital, Jyväskylä, Finland, August 2003.
"Verkostot ja kentät matkailun menestystarinassa."
Maaseutututkijatapaaminen, Jokioinen, elokuu 2003.
[Networks and Fields in a Success-story of Tourism."
The Annual Meeting of Rural Researchers in Finland,
Jokioinen, Finland, August 2003]
The reports of the Finnish research team are available here as
PDF files.
"Maaseudun menestystarinat
- Sotkamon kehittämisverkostot kansainvälisessä vertailussa"
Julkaisun esittely ja tilaus
Finnish language report on the results of Finnich case study and of the
international comparison of local networks for development.
"The Case of Sotkamo:
Social Capital and Important Events in Local Development"
Finnish National Report,June 2003
Preliminary Findings for Comparative
November 2002
Appendix: List of Services in Sotkamo
RESTRIM Questionnaire Study of Sotkamo
October 2002
Separate Appendix: Questionnaire form in
Finnish Context Report
April 2002
Updated 9 Feb, 2007. J.Oksa